Mr Retired


Retired cob mum
I just realised that I haven't done aJack update for a while. So.... a couple of months ago I was looking at Jack and thinking how poor he was looking. Dom admitted that the few times he rode J last year, he felt that J want really enjoying being ridden any more. J was happy to plod at walk but trot or canter seemed a big effort. Indeed I can remember when Albi and I first hacked out with Dom and Jack, we were constantly having to trot to catch up with Jack's big ambley stride, but last year Albi led and we had to keeping stopping to wait for Jack to catch up. So we decided to officially retire Jack.

I also decided to continue to bring them in overnight through the spring grass, to help minimise Jack's lami risk because of his PPID. And to stop Gracie ballooning as well. It's a hard slog when they would usually be out 24/7 by now but only for another month and I feel it is worth the investment.

Well..... firstly I think Jack had heard the word "retirement" and is blooming with celebration because he is now looking fab!!

Secondly, I had his bloods done recently and his level should be 29 or less for May..... and he is actually 19.8! Best result ever! So his regime is working! Indeed the lab actually wrote "very well managed" on their results sheet!


He hardly ever gets brushed.... he hates being groomed, so he's done really well to eject his winter coat and maintain some weight -especially as he didn't start shedding until April anyway. He normally drops a load of condition. He does get his feet picked out regularly as I still purple spray them once or twice a week as a thrush preventative.
Handsome glossy lad.

But with him looking so gorgeous, doesn't your OH feel the urge to give him a try? I know I would !
Handsome glossy lad.

But with him looking so gorgeous, doesn't your OH feel the urge to give him a try? I know I would !
Hubby needs to lose at least a stone and a half in weight if he wanted to do this...... and he loves his food more than Jack!! :p