Passed from pillar to post!


Well-Known Member
This is bugging me now!

Tracing soxs history. it seems he has been passed from pillar to post. From leaving racins he has had so many owners! The place he has been the longest in the racing yard and he was there for 2.5 years. Since then his gone from been on full loan for only 2 weeks til spending a year with someone and then going with someone for 12 weeks.

Why do some horses. Or a lot of tbs get passed around!!?? There not bloody toys. You cant just get rid of them when they done play ball for a week or so!!

Rant over
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The phrase is "pillar to post" ;) But I have to say I much prefer your version :p

I don't know why some horses end up in lots of different homes, but if they don't have a specific "problem" which makes it difficult to find a long-term home then I guess it's just down to luck / coincidence. You could ask why some people only have one relationship and spend their whole life with the same person, while others have numerous partners and don't settle til they're in their 40s? From what you've told us about Sox it sounds like he's quite a quirky sort of horse - it can take a while for horses like that to find the right owner. But he has found you now and is a lucky dude because clearly you are his Person!
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Yep Eowyn had six homes before she came to me, she has had two after me. Kia I passported so I have no idea how many home he had before the one I bought him from but from some of his history I got probably a few.

Not everyone can keep a horse the rest of its life, also not everyone clicks with a horse. At the end of the day he is yours and you want to keep him so really unless he came with serious and dangerous baggage it shouldn't matter in the grand scheme of things :)

He is yours and you enjoy him :)
Mine won't be going anywhere either unless - god forbid - my circumstances change so drastically that I can no longer afford her.
Sox is a different kettle of fish to Roxy though - I am an adult and I was looking for (and bought) an easy-going leisure pony that my kids can ride one day. Although I plan to do a bit of competing on her, that isn't why I have her. I think a lot of people buy ex-racers to compete/event and horses tend to get moved on much more quickly in serious competition homes. Just a theory! At least he has finally got a home to call his own with you!
I think the fact that they are "cheap" means they dont always end up in the right home or with the most experienced owners and then get sold on when things dont work out. Over the last few years there has been a trend to "rescue" ex-racers and if they are not re-educated by experienced knowledgable people the downward spiral begins.
Ex racers are not expensive here either and there are a lot around from the tracks.
There are a couple of TB rescues around here = I think your totally right they don't always end up in the right home
or get re-educated correctly.