Remember the lovely Angel?


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2003
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Angel (21 this year - really ought to make a list of the stuff she's now legally allowed to do!!!) has had seven months off work (field rest if you like!) due to mistery stiffness (several vets visits, cushings tests ... not quite arthritis but going that way). Since she's put on quite a bit of weight and is very lami prone she'll need to be doing something soon, even if it's just gentle hacking :)

Today I tacked up (seven months of NO work at all!) and out we went (we don't have a school so the roads it was!).

We've been together for nearly ten years now, I love this pony more than life itself :wub:

I think she enjoyed out little pootle :)

WHOA! now watch that speedbump, Angel!

Where's my DINNER!!!!!!!

I like that saddle. :bounce:

Did you enrol her at college?

Eta-did you take these today? You didn't get so totally soaked right down to your :) We did.
Love that pony!!!!

I have a similar bond with my old girlie Puzzle, there's just nothing that compares is there.
@ newforest: it's a Torsion something or other with a HAF pad :)

This is the carpark of Longhill School - home to such household names like err Frankie Cocozza (X factor or something?)! It really is!

yep, these were today. it was really foggy. Appley and I got SOAKED last night though if it's any consolation :D

@bitsandpieces: it's like easing back into one's favourite armchair :D
She looks happy:smile:

Nothing like a little pootle on a well loved and reliable mount. I am sure they like to get out.

I hope you get many more enjoyable strolls this Summer.
Awww, Angel! :) It's like coming home isn't it, getting back on a horse you've been with forever :) Long may the happy pootles continue.
Ah thanks PotNoodle that makes me feel better. I was so so soaked I think I will keep a complete change of clothes up the yard.
today I took 'the lovely Angel' on an actual hack with a friend (whose mount is equally geriatric!). 'the lovely Angel' was FULL.OF.IT!

we had sideways trotting, sideways cantering .... jogging gamely most of the way (breathing like Darth Vader and sweating up but point blank refusing to settle at any slower pace!) :giggle: under normal circumstances, on any other horse, I would have been bricking it but because it's Angel I laughed. a lot. If she can have fun at my expense I suspect she's feeling alright :)
still full of it!! but she is ever so sensible and would never 'muck about' on the roads. the second her little hooves touch grass/a favourite track she's AWAAAAAAAY (or tries to!!). reminded me why we she's errr somewhat unsuitable for children :redcarded:
I remember Angel - she is a sweetie. Thank you for the pics. Makes me a bit sad and jealous. I dont have a nice horse at the moment.