RSPCA and a new home for Gelfy


Believe it or not we've had a visit from the RSPCA. Someone was concerned about the "lonely pony". So he now has a new home found through contacts on the other side of the island. Gutted. I'll miss my little one-eyed git.
Oh chev that's a shame, I can't believe someone called the RSPCA for that. I kept Kia with cows and sheep for 5 years and no one saw an issue with that.

Good to see you back x
I was going to keep our tiny fidget pony alone for summer as TBH he's retained one and so is in his own little paddock anyway but the fact that no one can mind there own business has put me off. The others been put into a grazing field about 4 fields away but I've left our little darty in the adjoining paddock. If he stressed alone i of course wouldn't of considered it but he doesn't and is happy with his grass and the farm cats that wander in and out of his paddock. Going back a few years a farm cat came into the yard for tea with a tiny tie wrap round it's toe( I couldn't remove it without hurting the cat) our vets didn't do late nights so I rang a local late night vet and took her there to be treated, the vet was awful and said we must of done it and said it was her duty to report it to the rspca as someone IHO had tiewraped its toe and caused it undo pain and suffering( as if we would of took it to the vets and paid over £80 if we had done it) infact once removed the cat wasn't even limping and was fine. The rspca bloke called two days later and couldn't tell what toe it had been lol. Unfortunately instead of actually pursuing the real cruelty cases the rspca find it easier to involve themselves in wild goose chases and therefore many animals in true need never get seen. x
I'm really going to miss him. I've had him for seventeen years and I know his quirks and peculiarities inside out. It worries me that he'll have to start again with someone else, even though I know that circumstances dictate he'd be better off moving.
Sadly not. Friend lost his grazing too but he's going to a horsey lady who will hopefully give me visiting rights.