silly snowy fun - now with pics and vids

KP nut

I'd rather be riding.
Magical pony morning..... Took Oscar and Xavier into the arena where there was blanket of snow. Oscar pawed, snorted, tried to eat the snow and tried to roll. Xavier was totally unconcerned. The girls practised pairs dressage in walk then we did.... VAULTING!

Xav was calmer as Oscar was excited by thd snow so we used him. He was incredibly patient! The girls did about 10 back flips off him and he just stood there calm going 'whatever'......;-)

Love him. He's fab.

The girls were giggling, the sun was shining, the snow was sparkling. I had one comedy pony making me laugh and one kind patient pony making me feel moved by his trust. I just felt overwhelmingly happy. Lovely start to the weekend.

I'll take pics next time.
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I was horrified to see what looked like a huge crack in his hoof in the pic. Luckily it's obviously just a piece of rubber as his hooves are perfect!!