Snotty nose and head shaking

Daffy Dilly

New Member
Dec 5, 2004
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Sorry, health question I know, but wanted as many quick replies as I can get before I go to the yard!

Yesterday Daffy rolled in the field, and rather than get up afterwards, he stayed almost sat down, and tossed his head up and down (like he was nodding) at least 10 times. By the time I got over there he'd stopped and was up, and nothing seemed wrong. My immediate thought was colic (they were in a very rich field, had been for about two hours) but there was no response when I prodded his stomach all over. Wondered about there being a fly in his ear, but nothing there, and he really seemed fine.

This morning he had ate his tea from the floor, and when he'd finished snorted, and there was white snot (but not runny) all over the place coming from his left nostril. I think this may be hay fever or similar, but not sure if it's connected to the head shaking above. He seems fine in himself and has no other symptoms of anything.

Anybody got any thoughts? Going up shortly. Will muck out, and soak his hay I think, and then either bring him in or maybe leave him out. I'm not sure which would be better, if it's just dust then out, but if it's hayfever then in! :rolleyes: