something positive out of a demon!


Well-Known Member
Jan 15, 2010
the indoor we are using has had the top end of it blocked off for electrical works, just with a line of showjump wings & poles. Those works are now finished so we were able to use the outside track right round the school. However at that end of the school there are a few things; a gallery with tables and chairs, a vending machine, various other items stacked up.. and a hose pipe. It’s terrifying! Brook was literally peeing her pants about being anywhere near that end of the school, which is so tedious. She can be very spooky and despite me giving her lots of time to ‘look’ she was still trying to spin and bugger off away from it. Now, I am specifically working on inside bend on the left rein at the moment. So I decided to make something positive from it and put her on a 15m circle, skirting the scary part at C. We had lovely inside bend round 70% of the circle then - WaaaaaahhhH!! Banana shaped and bunny hopping! It’s no coincidence we struggle on this rein as I have damage to my left hip and struggle to get my left seat bone down and my left leg on. I am MUCH stronger on the right and so very one -sided as a rider. Now, doing this exercise meant I had to work so hard to keep the circle past C with my inside leg and weight to the inside that once madam eventually relaxed a little, we actually had the desired bend and once we moved away from the demons, for the first time we achieved the same quality of work on that rein as we do on the right :D

a few days ago when the jumps were still being a barrier
Haha, every cloud and all that ... Bet you got off with a real sense of achievement that day. What a lovely school - in weather like we have today (cold wind and sleety) it must be a godsend.