Strong on my right rein...


New Member
Aug 24, 2016

Looking for advice and tips. I've got a part bred Arab and recently we have started to do a bit of dressage together. I am very much a novice rider having only taken up riding in the last few years.

I have noticed that I am very strong on my right side which is really becoming a problem when riding on the right rein as I'm struggling to half halt on my outside left rein. The result is lack of connection and I feel I'm just dragging him around the arena. I've tried to relax my right hand but find this just results in losing all contact and I become even stronger. I've been trying to slow things down and do a bit more in walk, but I'm still finding it a real problem.

Has anyone got any ideas?

I'm not sure what you mean? How can you become stronger if you have given away the contact?

Do you mean you use your right hand, and your horse leans on it, so there is a lot of weight in that hand? And if you relax the hand he leans even more?? Does he refuse to flex to the right, so instead resists your hand so it feels there is a lot of weight on it? So you find that you don't have him in the left rein but there is a lot of weight down the right rein?
One things is for sure - it's takes 2 to pull! If he tries to lean on your right rein, move that hand forward to soften it. Or drop the rein completely if necessary to say 'oi, I'm not carrying you!' At the same time, take up more of a contact with the left rein and use your inside leg to get bend. Eg put him on a circle and keep thinking: inside leg, half halt left rein, soften right rein. Do that on both reins in walk and trot. Awell something to try anyway! Hope it works out,