transitions..staying on teh bit


Eventing is the Best!!
im still working on getting maya to accept the bit....but when i get her on the bit, and then i ask her to do something (for example, un upward transition) she sticks her nose in the air and hollows. If i give a little so she knows im asking her to make a transition, her nose comes above the vertical and she hollows. Any ideas? o! and when i ask her to collect, when she does, adn the contact on my reins lightens, she just sticks her nose back up! any ideas on that, too? thanks!!
Try working her in a german or running martingale occassionally; some device that won't allow her to put her nose skyward ... she'll learn eventually. If you ride saddleseat, you could try working her in a curb bit more ... not tryin to go against what ur saying, but wouldnt that just teach her to keep her head down, but not truly be on the bit? im mainly worried about how she hollows her back and fights me.
well, this might seem rather iritating reply, but for a while, forget about getting her "on the bit", i agree there are NO quick fixes- Do long warm ups, serpantines, transitions, trotting poles, circles, spirals etc. Make your mare really suple, and so she has NOTHING to fight against. Keep a light contact and just make sure she is going forwards etc. concentrate on her stretching down first, and eventually it will become a more natural process, wherebye she is comes into the contact. She will not be TRUELY on the bit if she is not going forwards suppley and easily. Ty and make schooling interesting for her aswell. also you could try flexi reins, which is NOT a gadget, it is just reins with an incert of elastics, which softens your feel on the reins, they are very good. I am very against some artificial aids such as martingaales! as you come to rely on them, and are unable to ride without them.
What bit is she ridden in?
good luck any way!
I wouldn't use a martingale-if your horse is doing what I am picturing you would have to have it adjusted pretty tight for it to come into action!

Try what my instructor constantly shouts at me: Keep a play on that rein! Try this through the transistion. However, if you have her hindquarters engaged she should offer her head to you. Maybe this is what you need to work on.

Thats a good point about just getting your horse supple and obedient before trying to get them on the bit. As I ride at a riding school, most of the ponies there dont have a clue about working on the bit and I have exactly the same problem!!!!
Try half halts on the outside rein to get her attention then work her round the inside leg, give and release with the hands as you go. If she mucks turn her on a circle, tight if necessary, bring her back down to walk and start again.
is she used to being on the bit or is this all new to her? it takes real muscle and suppleness to stay on the bit, which is hard work for your mare. if this is new to her, you should be content with developing it and keeping it during the basic gaits with circles and serpentines, etc. don't worry if she pokes her head out in transitions for a few seconds, because when she develops the needed muscle to keep the collection during transitions she'll keep her head in the correct frame.

aside from lateral figures, do a lot of transitions to get her used to it (try doing them on a circle and see if she still pokes her head out, she should lessen the poking at least a little). do a lot of half-halts with matching leg aids, to get her to work *into* your hand.

i do NOT advise you to use a martingale, because even though it may keep her head in the right frame, it doesn't necessarily mean she's 'on the bit'. it might even fool you into believing that she is doing everything correctly, when in fact she's just got the head frame.

good luck!