What to do with those stains that just WON'T come out?


Total falls: 13
May 3, 2003
Ontario, Canada
I have used every trick in the book to get Dolly's stains white, but nothing seems to work! It is just her hocks that get badly stained, while the rest of her I have no problem getting white with all my tricks. I am very tired of spending four hours bathing her (and so is Dolly!) before shows, just trying to get her white, but then having to give up. My one last hope is an enzymatic cleaner, which is supposed to help break the bond of the stain from the hair.

My only other idea is to use that paint they use on cows and just paint right over the stain....

Is there another way???
Haha... when I told you I have tried just about everything, I meant it!

Yes, I actually own some of the "dolly blue", but I had to do a lot of research to actually find some because they do not go by that name anymore! It helps make her look brighter all-over, but does not help with the stains.
I know some that swear by Dawn dish soap, do you have it in Canada? What about just clipping her hocks a few days/week before the show? You could also clip the day of, and apply baby powder to cover up any pink.
coat whitner? you can get it in tack shops over here, it works well on my grey lot, even gets the yellow out of their tails.
Yes, we do have Dawn dish soap and that is not something I have tried. Guess I will need to go shopping!

We have tried to clip her hocks before, but alas, Dolly was NOT happy with the clippers coming near her hocks and was kicking. So my RI gave up on that idea. Dolly is fine with clippers normally, she just not not like them near her hocks.

I have used so many brands of coat whitener. It helps a little, but even when I put it on full strength and leave it to sit for a while, her hocks are still very yellow looking!
I have exactly the same problem and almost ALWAYS have to resort to using chalk or white cover up paste by Champion Tails. Then... minuts before entering the show ring, cruise *manures* all down the back of his hocks and i scurry around with a sponge to no avail. I have admitted defeat. His hocks will never be white no matter how hard i try! :( .. *scampers off to try dawn dish washing liquid*
two things that have worked for me...

Sunlight BAR soap for stains.. I am not even sure it's still availble! (let me know if it is..)
and Oxy Clean.. you know that stuff with the annoying guy on the commercials?>? yes well you can get it in the laudry aisle Loblaws makes a no name one.. it didn't work as good. Anyway it made Grass stains vanish on Splash. I applied it as a paste and let it sit for about 5 mins. It didn't iritate is skin, but rinsed clean.

At least with both of those.. they have another use if they DON"T work!
Oxy clean is something I have always wanted to put on my horse (I think about it everyday when I see the stains on her!), but I am always so worried about the warning on the back saying it may irritate the skin. I have always loved the fact that Oxy clean can get my white saddle pads actually WHITE! Love oxy clean! So if you successfully used Oxy clean without irritating the skin, then I am definately trying it!
Daz. (seriously) check not allergic first.

Blue rinse.

Mr Sheen sprayed on heavily to stop re-staining
WOW! I finally got around to using the Dawn Dishsoap and I was shocked by the results! I have washed her stains on her hocks twice now and they are actually almost white! They are the colour they normally get when I spend an hour bathing them trying to get them white!

Hail Dawn Dishsoap!
I wouldn't use soap powder OR furniture polish on my horse :eek: They're not meant for skin/hair, they're meant for clothes and furniture. The silicones in the polish can cause 'silicone burns' especially in the warmer weather and you can end up with really horrid hair.

Saff has taken to lying in cow poos, you can imagine the colour she comes in :eek: I discovered Cowboy Magic Green Spot Remover .... thought that I'd give it a go and it's BRILLIANT :) You spray it on, rub it in with the little wash puff thing and then wipe it off.
Got a really good tip from a friend of mine that shows cows(charlois) anyway they have this stuff called charlois soap that will bring out any stain from anything grey. His cows are always gleaming white. I tried it and I've never seen lucy's as white. Coat as well had a really good shine to it and it's designed for bathing and everything.