What's your dog's favourite toy?


Salsa & Solstice Twilight
Roux adores his teddy :D It came home with him from his foster mum's and I am incredibly amazed that Ella has not attempted to eat it. Cuddly toys normally don't stand a chance in this house, but Teddy has lived here for six weeks now, and doesn't even have a loose thread!

Roux fetches Teddy from his crate, parades him round, then snuggles up with him on the sofa.... and when he's done, he takes Teddy back to the crate! :p It makes us laugh every time.

Ella's favourite toy (at the moment) is the raggedy skin of a cuddly octopus. She has meticulously removed all the stuffing, and carefully gnawed off all the legs one by one. But she loves it :)

Ella won't sit still with her octopus, she keeps trying to give it to me to play with, but I managed to get this one of Roux before the battery on my phone died

This used to be his favourite toy. A pheasant he got when he was a teeny pup.


Now he likes whatever is lying around! Out on walks he likes to play tug with his lead! Its an old one and he only does it when i let him so i dont mind.
Mine has a big ginger cat, hes had it since he was a pup and then it was nearly as big as him. 6 months on its still his favourite toy. He uses it as a pillow when he goes to bed at night.

Toby's is his rope toy, he loves tug of war, that or anything that squeaks, but he doesn't kill the squeaker, he likes them to squeak so gets a new one every birthday and xmas and they usually squeak for a good 6 months if not more! We have to hide them when my sisters dogs come though as they kill them and then he sulks!
Xaviars is mums slippers...he use to steal them all the time and carry them around (he doesn't choo them,just carrys them around in his mouth)so mum just gave them to him. Have no idea where they are now though!

He also really loves soft toys,but they don't stand a chance with him!
My clothes especially expensive ones and underwear ! :rolleyes:
and anything that makes a mess lol.. :rolleyes:
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