Who has used Rescue Remedy?


Well-Known Member
Feb 8, 2012
Just interested in hearing if/how it worked for you or your horse.

I've ordered some and I'm excited to try it out. Also how did you take it/give it would be helpful too
I can't really remember as it was a few years ago now, but it was just horrible. It left a nasty taste in my mouth which took hours to get rid of. If you are going to have a few drops, do not have it neat. Put it in a drink or something.
Personally, I've had more success with essential oils (both on & off horses) which I don't need to swallow - I just smell or dab on a pulse point. You can get RR chew type sweets, which just tasted like fruit sweets, from what I can remember!
Its suspended in brandy so a bit rough, I just normally chase it with juice.
I do think it helps, I still get nervous but it seems to stop the peaks and troughs, same with bo, he still got stressed but it wasnt quite as extreme as normal.
I bought some years ago to try and calm Storm and myself. I don't think it did a lot for me or her but did have a placebo effect at the time as I convinced myself we only managed to hack around the estate and get back in one piece due to it's effects.
I have the spray and I don't know if it's just placebo effect but it seems to sort of work for me!
Well I'm going to try it on both myself and ale, even if it only helps a tiny bit we need all the help we can get for this dressage so fingers crossed!
I used it for hacking, exams and competitions (for me, not the horse) and it worked very well. And I like the taste! Of course I would not rule out the placebo effect for myself - but I also used it for my lurcher who became very anxious when fireworks were going off, and it worked well for her too.
Good point, I used it on my dog for fireworks, he just to get completely manic for them but with RR he would just get mildly stressed.
I used to have some prior to riding if I was getting pre-lesson nerves - or when I was going up to my share on my own. Can't say it ever really did anything for me. I used the spray type, which had a slightly bitter taste and reminded me slightly of old ladies cheap sherry. I suspect it didn't work for me because I didn't really believe it would do anything. And it didn't.

It HAS always worked with our dogs though, and with my elderly mum who has dementia. I give her a couple of drops if she's getting anxious and it certainly seems to help her.
I've used the chewing gum. When I was riding a friends pony. It just kinda took the edge off and stopped my brain thinking silly things. I still felt nervous, but not so much that I couldn't ride.