Worried About Riding During the Winter Months

I try and keep myself up to date with everything that you and Flip do and I'd like to echo ObC and say that you're doing such an amazing job. We all suffer with nerves at some point during our riding, but you're working so so hard not to let it get the better of you and that takes guts.

Does your school have lights?

Also there's another book 101 dressage exercises, they range from being super simple to super complex so something in there for everyone - you could maybe look at this for some ideas?

What I tend to do is keep an eye on the times of day that the ice appears/disappears, this can be handy to work out the best riding times on winter day weekends.

The other thing is not to pressure yourself and keep everything in perspective - there are plenty of people who cut down riding during the winter, even in the South of England the weather got so terrible that my girls got a large portion of last winter off!!
:redface: Thanks BnP - that means alot!! :redface:
We've not got any lights in our school and its about a quarter of a mile away crossing one road on the way. I suggested that I would hop on in the field in the next few days - just walk around the fence, and was promptly advised that this wasn't a good plan as my mate's horse might get jealous and cause some trouble. :frown: Still going to give it a try just so I can keep up a bit of momentum. Might even leave any trot/canter work for the winter and really concentrate on our walk - more forward going, more flexible and responsive in circles/serptentines. Will take a look at the dressage book, thankyou.

Oh yes learner - saw the weather forecast as well, can't wait!