Yay! Another exciting pony weekend planned!


Active Member
Oct 16, 2006
The Cotswolds
Pony is off cubbing on Saturday :D we did hound exercise last week and although she got a little strong in the middle, she soon calmed down. This Saturday will be her 2nd time so it could go either way, she could be as good as she was last week or she might realise what it's all about!

She feels so safe and fun when we're out I actually enjoy it!

Can't wait to get her out this weekend as it should be a bit faster passed.

Seriously love my pony!

(Also took her for her first solo hack on Sunday, she was good as gold even when we met a combine!)

I've never had so much fun before, this is the 3rd weekend in a row we've been out to do something fun (and the 3rd week I've owned her :D)
Great stuff, have fun..will pop in sometime over weekend to check it :biggrin:

Superb! It was comfy to hack out in on Sunday, going to try and be a good girl and keep my stirrups that long for cubbing (no jumping), I think it should be doable with my cheese grater stirrups! :D