Yay! Exmoor pony article in Your Horse

Yes, I read that on my way home last night. I'm sooooooo pleased they are, at last, getting the recognition they deserve. They are really lovely little ponies - and fun too.
yes! and so nice they were being realistic as well! theres so much dodgy info about exmoors out there (ideal childponies and so on ... haha), this made a refreshing change!!

There is an exmoor on my yard and it is the dearest little pony - but also incredibly cheeky. :p I love all natives.
My YO told me about it and offered to lend it to me to read, BUT of course I had to go and buy my own copy :D A really good article and lovely pictures. Frayne is currently enjoying starting the Parelli Journey with me - she is so clever and is really responding to the training. I have 27 years of equine 'experience', but it has taken a completely new approach to convince an Exmoor Pony that she can work with me. I think we have a very long and happy future together :)
You are quite right Ali, i've a similar amount of years of horse ownership and envolvement, including babys through to maturity, all full and part thoroughbreds, but having owned my exmoor mare now since she was 8 months (she is now 5 1/2) it has been a whole new ball game. I think they respond particulary well to natural horsemanship ways as they are so primitive and unchanged or adapted by man so are very 'wild' in their heads!:) She is much less forgiving than any other horse or pony i have come across, but also learns quicker. very difficult and very satisfying.
Yes, I think the native ponies respond to the 'alternative' way of training. Falcon was trained in the 'new way' and he's really good - but - he's at the 'test my mum' stage now, the first attempt was on Sunday when he threatened to rear!