"I could weep" (this time with joy!)


New Member
Apr 24, 2008
On the South Downs, Hampshire
For those of you that followed my last thread about the appalling condition of my byways, today I can update you (wish we had a hacking section to put this in!) as I managed to get my new pony through the really muddy bit so I could photograph where the Council have been restoring the lanes. They haven't done much yet but it is agreat start.

This is what they looked like today, wonderful, wide and clear, no ruts!!!


and they've repaired the barrier

So having gotten out my field I decided to go further and went on a ride I have not done for two years, I had a fantastic time..

The up a steep path which has also been re-surfaced with gravel (was slippery clay)..

Then at the top..

and the view of the slope we used to be allowed to gallop up (now restricted). We used to ride along the horizon line all the way to the top.

But met a tree on the way down....even on a 13.1 pony I had to get off as he wasn't going to walk carefully under it...

Sorry for posting so many pics but I AM SO HAPPY at getting out for a hack and Tally was brilliant, fast but stoppable and fun (and I was alone which I never usually do and only the second time out with Tally)

Cookies all round :)
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Fantastic update - and you can weep with Joy anytime you want, she won't mind :p

Those tracks are looking good. I so wish I had transport and Joy wasn't a wuss about travelling cause I'd be suggesting a hack out together otherwise :rolleyes:
So pleased for you, you must be over the moon! I remember the other thread you posted. What a lovely hack - love those cutesome ear shots too......!!! Looks and sounds like you had a great time, I'm most envious (can't hack at the moment as madam will not leave Joe behind who is lame still).
Trewsers and Hippyhorse - Many thanks.

Trewers, sorry to hear that you're not getting out, it can be so frustrating. I just can't believe how much I'd missed that route, it was like being in a time machine and I was back on my favourite rides on a pony again (it just didn't change my grey hair back though :rolleyes:)
They have certainly tidied all that up.

Good stuff. :)

Sadly, the lovely bit is less than a tenth of the lanes which need work doing to them but it is something and they have position concrete barriers at two of the entrances where 4 wds were illegally getting in (there are TROs on these routes), so hopefully things will only get better. The gravel up the steep path was a real surprise as I didn't know that work had been done to that route.
They are lovely pictures, you are lucky.
Our council is hopeless, on a bridleway near me someone keeps a horse complete with field shelter and companion goats.
I was told that if the horse got out while we were trying to access bridleway we would be liable, not that I would try to go up there with a loose horse.
we used to have the same problems in sussex, really deeply rutted by vehicles, some of them totally impassible in the winter. it was so annoying as you had so limited access anyway.

where abouts are these, they look awfully familiar
we used to have the same problems in sussex, really deeply rutted by vehicles, some of them totally impassible in the winter. it was so annoying as you had so limited access anyway.

where abouts are these, they look awfully familiar

Near East Meon / Ramsdean. They've been allowed to become very overgrown and neglected and the barriers had been broken down (by 4wds), but a little maintenance is going to make a big difference. even though we share these routes with motorbikes I think if they are widened and cleared they will be OK again for all of us (except 4wds)