Mylo' Milestones

Ouch, it turns my stomach every time it happens to me :confused: have you been shown the diamond of exercise tape to help keep the knee caps on track while everything heals? I find that better than knee braces etc.
I think we have a new saddle!
Fitter bright three for us to try today, two Black Country and an Ideal Event.
I really liked the look of one Black Country, but it was a bit out of my budget, so I tried the Ideal.
Glad it was only a short test today, as my knee is still heavily strapped up and a bit ouch in trot, but she has left it with me to try for a couple of days. Well within budget which means I can buy a curved girth too as he has a very forward groove.
Fingers crossed a Mylo likes it too, then I can get on with selling my other one.
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Awww sweet.
I schooled yesterday for around 40 minutes, concentrating on transitions to trot and bending. He is improving!
I jumped off, and gave him lots of scratches and cuddles, ran the stirrups up, then headed towards the gate with him. I was juggling reins, schooling whip and gloves and inevitably dropped my gloves. I bent to pick them up and continued to the gate with Mylo walking behind. Almost there when I realised I wasn t actually leading him as I had let go of the reins by mistake when picking up the glove. As an experiment, I turned and walked away from the gate.....followed closely by Mylo, several changes of direction and circling both directions later, he was still with me.
Love him to bits
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