Free to a good home: Grumpy demanding MIL!

I do think Mrs T you are going to have to put your foot down with MIL.

Maybe if you do, and leave Mr T to run round after her, he will also start being a bit tougher.

She sounds an absolute nightmare!!
I think you have to treat difficult people like horses - send clear messages.
In the past you have said (I think) that you have to go along with her because of your OH.
Now it could be she is anxious in hospital. So you could say you and OH work office hours. Please will she list the things she needs and let you know each day at 5.30 p.m. and then you will do your best.
If, after this warning, a text arrives in office hours text back - "Interim reply as currently working in office".
Manage her like a horse and give clear signals of boundaries.

I think that's actually a very good idea. I've been discussing the whole situation with OH today. We have decided that we will not reply to her texts or emails during "working hours" (unless it's urgent of course and by that I mean a medical emergency) and that we are going to be a bit clearer about our working hours / day etc. She's home now, but I don't want to fall into a pattern where we just run rings around her all day, fetching and carrying so to speak. I don't mind trying to help her, but it has to be a bit more on my terms. And of course it has to fit in with work. OH is far too obliging I'm afraid!