Might have to take my self to Hospital in the morning....

More vibes coming. Are you any better?
No, the foot has definitely dropped, keep catching my toe and tripping myself up. :( will go and talk to the quack and see if she has any bright ideas. I had a dropped foot, way back when I originally broke it, but properly paralysed, this has just lost a percentage of power and movement.

Ach it'll come right, and if it doesn't I'll have to adapt my gait.
No, the foot has definitely dropped, keep catching my toe and tripping myself up. :( will go and talk to the quack and see if she has any bright ideas. I had a dropped foot, way back when I originally broke it, but properly paralysed, this has just lost a percentage of power and movement.

Ach it'll come right, and if it doesn't I'll have to adapt my gait.

Oh heck sorry to hear that. I do hope it improves.
Hospital again, GP sent me. Got a bit of nerve damage, mega swelling and a bit of a dropped foot.....it'll come right when the swelling goes down.....I hope.....did last time. NOW I have to be careful not to fall over floppy foot and do a worse damage...
I'm sure you have been advised to REST and elevate it..... do to think you will be able to? :p

Im picturing a homemade leather boot of some description like on Sea biscuit so @Wally is able to carry on as usual! Am I right?!? :rolleyes:

On a serious note I do hope you heal quickly and there is no permanent damage.
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they offered me a foot splint thing, but no, I'll manage .

Mr C has a dropped foot. Had it since he had Guillain-Barre syndrome when he was 11. He's 65 now and apart from having to wear callipers for a couple of years after he was ill he's never used a walking aid. The splints he was given just made him walk like something out of Monty Python. He's done hiking, kayaking, road and mountain biking and motorbiking. But he falls over his own foot on a regular basis. Take care with that foot. The last fall he had broke his pelvis.