Wish us luck D Day Tomorrow

My MIL is exactly the same :( If we still lived closer she'd have him there at ten o'clock at night to make her a cup of tea. She's been playing the old woman card since she hit 70! Sometimes I'm glad that there is distance between all our relatives:D
I often wish that when we relocated from Sussex we hadn't come back to Scotland to be closer to mum and dad and had moved to another area in England but we are stuck where we are now.
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good day today, carers hadn't turned up to make lunch by 1330, having been in and done breakfast at 8am, so i went down to do it. My M&S chicken korma and rice top of the range didn't go down well. Have shopped for snack items i.e. dates, grapes etc so she has stuff to nibble. There are biscuits in the kitchen if she had ventured in to look. Oh well hopefully things are smoother tomorrow. Thank god for Harrison poodle, we had a lovely walk along the river for an hour, he is a great support.
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and now she wants the bloody bed moved so that you will see it from the sitting room which was her main objection and why we bought a unit to hide it. It will also mean losing the bloody heavy chest of drawers which currently holds 20 bras, about 50 pairs of pants and vests and finding places for them to go! So we spend all day moving furniture around there, when i am trying to clean my own fucking house and make xmas cakes etc. Fortunatley it is raining so my plans to ride Buddy are off. We measured that bloody room to the inch to get the best use of space but not good enough for her.
so a call at 0830am demanding that Dave comes and moves the bloody bed. 1. he can't do it solo. 2. there is nowhere better to move it to. 3. i had planned to make xmas cakes, ride buddy, clean the house and try to get our place in order as well as nurse Sammy kitten and Kimme poodle. Instead will be down there moving the chest of drawers (bloody heavy as i moved it down stairs at her house and it is solid teak and heavy as hell even with the drawers out - they are now full. I give up.
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We never had a son. Am very thankful I dont have a d.i.l.
We have been so kindly looked after by s.i.l. due to daughter not allowed to come even to the gate because she is working in Covid potential hospital. If your m.i.l. has enough money, why not find her a local handyman who can come in to move furniture and fix small things? Our elderly widow neighbour (childless) has that. As do our other neighbours as father not into that sort of thing.

It is always worth looking at any constant grumble in life and seeing if a change can be made. I also take a different view of m.i.l. hoarding clothes. Women of our generation did it (me too) be cause we were afraid that at some future date with no husband and no pension we might not be able to afford clothes.
I know you are such a nice person but isnt there an astonishing difference between the lovely way you treat your horses and dog and the view of your m.i.l.

I dont know if she has other company than you? Or a computer to access the web? But if she had a simple tablet she could be in touch or if no computer even have someone phone her each day for a chat. Here o.a.p.s on their own can do that via our local Covid help hub (its Facebook group has info) or if your local support has nothing, there is possible wider provision via Help the Aged and Gran's net. Just give them a ring, say she has moved pout and is now on her own and leave some of the caring to them.
We never had a son. Am very thankful I dont have a d.i.l.
We have been so kindly looked after by s.i.l. due to daughter not allowed to come even to the gate because she is working in Covid potential hospital. If your m.i.l. has enough money, why not find her a local handyman who can come in to move furniture and fix small things? Our elderly widow neighbour (childless) has that. As do our other neighbours as father not into that sort of thing.

It is always worth looking at any constant grumble in life and seeing if a change can be made. I also take a different view of m.i.l. hoarding clothes. Women of our generation did it (me too) be cause we were afraid that at some future date with no husband and no pension we might not be able to afford clothes.
I know you are such a nice person but isnt there an astonishing difference between the lovely way you treat your horses and dog and the view of your m.i.l.

I dont know if she has other company than you? Or a computer to access the web? But if she had a simple tablet she could be in touch or if no computer even have someone phone her each day for a chat. Here o.a.p.s on their own can do that via our local Covid help hub (its Facebook group has info) or if your local support has nothing, there is possible wider provision via Help the Aged and Gran's net. Just give them a ring, say she has moved pout and is now on her own and leave some of the caring to them.
She is my mother not my mother in law. If you wait for a local handyman to come and fix stuff you will be waiting for months. She cannot use a computer as her eyesight is not good and she is 93 and would not handle the technology. She rejected all aids that we provided at huge expense and which had to be returned which would have enabled her to improve her ability to read things and have more access to stimulation but she refused to try any of them. My husband spent a week on this. She rejects all suggestions that would improve her health, like get off her fat arse and walk and not eat a huge packet of sugary sweets a day and have a huff if we don't buy them for her. Her blood tests show that she could develop diabetes but she will take no action to avoid it.

There is no local support to go in at the moment due to covid-19. She has carers coming in 4 times a day and moaned about them all the time she was in her own house, and all this week since she moved into this flat on Monday. I have arranged for a cleaner to come in once a week to clean and also to keep her company. As to her clothes, she buys things and never uses them and then they don't fit her. When she shops she goes into a retail feeding frenzy and just buys and buys and buys then forgets where she has put stuff and accuses me of losing it. She has been living rent free in a house I bought for her for 30 years and has more money coming in than i do. I really resent it when she spends £300 sending flowers to all and sundry but would never think of paying a vet bill for me.

We have spent over 200 hours in the last month doing up the flat, sorting out the old house, clearing it, moving all her stuff. The flat is beautiful but it is smaller than the old house and so things have to be cut down.

We will go down today and move the chest of drawers out of the bedroom area and see if that works better anything to avoid a major conflict. I will do all that is physically possible to solve the logistics in the flat but i cannot solve her unhappiness, her bad temper and her abuse of us.

I treat my animals with the best care i provide because they are my responsibility and it is down to me to do everything i can in my power and budget to care for them. I do not have the same responsibility for my mother who is free to be as obnoxious as she chooses to be and as miserable as she wants, or she can choose to be happy.

This is the mother who in xmas day had a blazing row with my father and walked out and i ran after her, age 6, in my nightdress and bare feet, in the snow, crying mummy don't leave me. She has forgotten that but i haven't. She has been a nightmare all my life and i am just sick of it. i have tried for 64 years to please her, and failed, and now I will ensure that she is safe, fed, pays her bills etc, and i will do what modifications i can to the flat to make it as good as i can but after that it is up to her. We will continue to take her out as she cannot go out alone due to her eyesight and has not gone out solo for over 5 years, but we have to get our lives back. Our house is a tip at the moment, full of her stuff, filthy, i need time to look after us. So i will continue to do the best i can for her, but every day i dislike her just a bit more. I have every sympathy for the fact that she can't see, that she has lived too long, that she is bored, that she is whatever, but i am not Mary Poppins. I cannot make her see again, and anyway even when she was able to see and do more stuff, she was still the same, always moaning, always a pain in the butt. If you can't fix something get used to it. My athritis is really bad at the moment, i have had to start taking medication for high blood pressure which i have avoided doing for years but she has sent my blood pressure beyond where it is safe for me not to medicate. I really resent that as i am extremely anti medication but here i am having to take drugs due to the stress she causes me
Sadly, some people are just mean spirited, your mum sounds like one of them. My mil detested me, and my daughter, despite the fact that she was the only granddaughter - or maybe because of it. She favoured my son from the get go, and treated me and my daughter like dirt. She had 3 sons, and played the little woman all her life - all prim with a little girly voice, dripping poison. She once told me my 7 year old daughter looked like a prostitute, because she was wearing a little ra-ra skirt. She was utterly horrible, I stole her eldest, and she was never going to forget it. Luckily OH couldn't stand her, but we still visited and I stilĺ had to put up with her nastiness - she favoured her nephew's kids (who were ghastly, and spoiled) in front of my two on every family occasion. She passed away 3 years ago - my daughter and I didn't attend the funeral.
so a call at 0830am demanding that Dave comes and moves the bloody bed. 1. he can't do it solo. 2. there is nowhere better to move it to. 3. i had planned to make xmas cakes, ride buddy, clean the house and try to get our place in order as well as nurse Sammy kitten and Kimme poodle. Instead will be down there moving the chest of drawers (bloody heavy as i moved it down stairs at her house and it is solid teak and heavy as hell even with the drawers out - they are now full. I give up.

Just tell her there is no way you can get over to do it today, and that anyway the bed is where she said she wanted it.
Oh well, I did try. I moved the chest of drawers out of the bed area and put it in the walk in wardrobe to create more space where the bed is. We showed her if we turned the bed around and put it against the back wall of the room, the headboard would be in the corner as she insists on sleeping on her left side. But there would only be a gap of about 2ft between it and the unit which was bought to create a division between the sitting area and the sleeping area. Which was her main objection to a studio flat. We asked her if she wanted to move it to let her see what it looked like but she told us not to bother as she hated the place and all my fault she moved there and she was miserable. At which point I lost my temper and said i was glad she was happy being miserable as she is miserable wherever she is and is a total bitch. So poodles and I exited leaving OH to pour oil or petrol on stormy waters. I am not going back. OH can do it in future as clearly i can do nothing right. My last and final solution is that the guy who does a bit of gardening for us and is strong, will go down next week and he and OH will sit her in the chair at the window and move beds, units what the f around and see what if anything pleases her. After that i am done, I will ensure she is ok and she is coming for xmas, but i can't do any more. She couldn't stay at home, and this is the best solution for me, as it saves me 140 mile round trip every time she has a panic and if she wants to be miserable she is miserable wherever she is.
Sadly, some people are just mean spirited, your mum sounds like one of them. My mil detested me, and my daughter, despite the fact that she was the only granddaughter - or maybe because of it. She favoured my son from the get go, and treated me and my daughter like dirt. She had 3 sons, and played the little woman all her life - all prim with a little girly voice, dripping poison. She once told me my 7 year old daughter looked like a prostitute, because she was wearing a little ra-ra skirt. She was utterly horrible, I stole her eldest, and she was never going to forget it. Luckily OH couldn't stand her, but we still visited and I stilĺ had to put up with her nastiness - she favoured her nephew's kids (who were ghastly, and spoiled) in front of my two on every family occasion. She passed away 3 years ago - my daughter and I didn't attend the funeral.
My MIL detests me. I stole her only son. Then whisked him away to another country. ? But I didn't produce any grandkids. Big black mark against me for that too.
@diplomaticandtactful I think it really needed to be said, and hopefully your OH will have backed you up after you left. Her behaviour has been disgraceful, age and infirmity are no excuse for rudeness and bullying. Give the poodles a cuddle, see to the horses, and spend this evening pampering yourself for a change x
@diplomaticandtactful I think it really needed to be said, and hopefully your OH will have backed you up after you left. Her behaviour has been disgraceful, age and infirmity are no excuse for rudeness and bullying. Give the poodles a cuddle, see to the horses, and spend this evening pampering yourself for a change x
making christmas cakes, 2 in oven, 2 to mix
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